When God's people get together...
there is grace, fellowship, laughter, good times, and love.
This past Friday, we participated in a 'Dinner for 8' fellowship program coordinated through our local church. We were blessed to have dinner with three amazing couples from our church family. We laughed, talked, and got to know each other a little bit better.
Joining together, whether in times of fellowship or lists of gratitude, is a blessing!

276. having dinner with others from church and getting to know them better
277. the Dinner for 8 fellowship program and the opportunities it offers
278. a church family with a sense of humor
279. friendship and fellowship with other believers
280. knowing life is hard, but finding joy in the days and moments
281. a group of amazing ladies who I study God's Word with on a regular basis
282. a gifted teacher who leads our Bible Study
283. simple celebrations of love, like making a special treat for my family one evening
284. reading a book on Valentine and the children making mosaic hearts to give to relatives as expressions of love
285. inspiration and time to make simple decorative banners of love to hang in our home
286. our oldest saying, "My brother and I just played..." and knowing the years he spent praying for a little brother and how God answered his prayer
287. an encouraging phone call from my mom on a day I was feeling down
288. moments of quiet that reveal God's peace
289. energy to finish a necessary project
290. Saturday date time with my husband ~ several hours of time alone, no interruptions
291. visiting a new park
292. homemade notes of love from my nieces
293. finding a good sale
294. being able to help (in a small way) send a youth on a summer foreign missionary trip
295. friendships that encourage and strengthen my walk with the Lord
296. my mom's chocolate chip cookies
297. a painted bathroom ~ the repairs are almost completely finished
298. our library's book request program that makes finding books easier
299. the touch of warmth in the air early this morning when I took our dog outside
300. a growing anticipation for spring
298. our library's book request program that makes finding books easier
299. the touch of warmth in the air early this morning when I took our dog outside
300. a growing anticipation for spring
What a wonderful list! :-) Did you see that I made your 1 Corinthians 13 hearts? Thank you so much for the inspiration!
I just came over from Ann’s. Happy St. Valentine’s Day
ReplyDeleteDinner for eight – a wonderful idea.
And my fave your list? 296. my mom's chocolate chip cookies (My mom is in heaven – and her chocolate chip cookies were from the store – but on this Valentine’s day – to think of her – and yes the store bought cookies makes me smile – thank you)
God Bless and Keep You and all of yours
Fantastic list!
ReplyDeleteThe idea of the Dinner for 8 sounds wonderful. What a great way to share in fellowship.