"I will lift up my eyes unto the hills,
from whence cometh my help.
My help cometh from the LORD
which made heaven and earth."
which made heaven and earth."
Psalm 121:1-2 KJV
This year long devotional covers a wide range of topics including ones like salvation, marriage, parenting, purity, adversity, and witnessing opportunities. I was particularly pleased to read more about some topics like suffering, faith, and prayer. The diversity of topics is commendable. Each topic is interspersed throughout the year with the general theme of relying on God interwoven through the entire book.
The book is divided by months with each month subdivided into daily segments. The devotional could be started at any time during the year, but, to me, the book seems to build a thorough foundation from the beginning in small systematic increments. Every day has an accompanying verse, a short synopsis either explaining the verse or relating the verse to everyday life, and a short prayer to be read.
Each daily excerpt is easily read and understood in a matter of minutes making this devotional easy to use each and every day. For those desiring a more in depth study, including word analysis and cross references, this would not be the book for you. However, if you are looking for a devotional that fits into moments of 'stolen' time, allowing you to seek refuge in the Lord, center yourself, and return to the 'daily grind' of life, then perhaps you might consider Unto the Hills: A Daily Devotional, by Billy Graham.
It should be noted that the second edition preface states that only slight changes from the original 1986 version were made for clarity and accuracy. The copy I reviewed was printed in 2010 and is considered the second edition.
Thank you to Thomas Nelson, Inc. for providing me with a complimentary copy of this book
Photograph of book cover featured in this post was provided by BookSneeze.
I had noticed this devotional and was curious about it. Thanks for sharing!