April 5, 2013

All Work and No Play

Though we've been on spring break, I haven't really taken a break from work until yesterday.

Before that, I sorted and organized four children's clothing, which resulted in 11 garbage bags filled with out grown clothing {2 for attic storage, 7 for various friends and charity organizations, and 2 for the trash}; and purged and rearranged the back room, which we use for homeschooling.

It has been all work and no play for this momma.

That ended yesterday morning.

I seized the opportunity, and did what I have not done often, in the past 13 years. I didn't wake up at a set time. Instead, I lazily greeted the day. Sure, I was up before seven to pray with my husband and see him off to work, but in my world, this is sleeping in.

The day was filled with creativity and play. To be truthful, there's not much to show for the day. No grand result or major project completed, except for the smile on my face and a more rested posture.

It was a good day, and a good way to spend part of spring break.


Today, the fun continues with an online party. The Ultimate Blog Party 2013 has begun, and like last year, I decided to participate. This party is a great way to mingle and find a few new-to-me and wonderful-to-read blogs. So, in that spirit, if you are visiting from The Ultimate Blog Party,

Welcome to my online space!

As my About Page says:
"This blog is a journal of sorts, a place where I record thoughts, pictures, and the life that surrounds me. With our family and our plethora of activities, the days are never predictable. You may find anything and everything here, but what I really hope you see is God's grace shining through our lives and yours."

Some Favorite Posts:
You can find some of my readers favorite posts in the side column, or you can peruse the categories in the picture menu bar near the top of the page.

However, to read some of my personal favorite posts from the past year, click through these:
Defining Something Important
Dear Formula Company Marketing Department
Spring Snow
A Birthday Party with a Shakespeare Flair
A Royal Breakfast
When It Feels Like a Desert
Why the Climb Is Worth It

*All photographs are linked to previous posts from this blog, click them to read the original posts.

Are you new to this space? Then, please feel free to introduce yourself.
I look forward to meeting you.
~ Dorie

Ultimate Blog Party 2013


  1. Stopping by from UBP 13 and I enjoyed my visit.

    (Link # 59)

    ps. Happy Spring break.

  2. Hello from UBP! We've been pretty busy around here, too. Nesting makes me a little, well, hubby was making fun of me the other day :). Have a great weekend!

  3. I love lazy, creatively, playful days. I hope you have a wonderful Spring break! Stopping over from UBP :)

  4. I'm Lauren. I'm going to click through some of your favorite posts you listed. Love your photographs! Look forward to visiting with you in the future...

    Lauren, RunHoly.com

  5. Hi Dori! Beautiful photos! You are very talented. I enjoyed my visit. I look forward to stopping by again. Hope you enjoy the party and the much needed rest. Remember- it restores the soul. Amy

  6. Nice to "meet" you! UBP is a great way to make friends! Blessings! UGB #16

  7. Hopping over from UBP13. I homeschooled for 10 yrs, but now mine are all grown up. I also like to cook, craft & write. If you ever want some fun activities with your kids, stop by for our Oreo Moon Phases or our Lucky Charms Graph.



  8. Visiting from the UBP and it's nice to meet you.

    It is always nice to have a let your hair down day! Our spirit needs the replenishment.

    Have a fun week!

  9. It's nice to meet you! Visiting from the UBP, my first time participating. I have a very young blog (but have had four previous blogs so I've walked the block a few times :) I too love photography and teach my four children at home. I'm a wannabe for sure! Blessings.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts.