May 29, 2012

The Best Day Ever

"This was the best day ever!" 
That's what my youngest exclaimed after one day this weekend.
He kept saying it, expanding it.  By the end of the day, he was saying,
"This was the best day ever in my whole entire life!"

Really?  I wasn't so convinced.  It wasn't that good, as far as I could tell.  I tried to remember what happened on a day filled with errands and meetings.  Though he accompanied my husband on a few errands, he wasn't at my meeting. 

Overall, his day was a bit different...

Early in the morning, our youngest went to 'help' my Drummer husband and older children build a shed in our backyard.  He made sure everything was level, plum, and remeasured with the tape measure.  He tried to help out with the drill, but the Drummer persuaded him to help in other ways.

Then, one of his sisters coaxed him into finding flowers in our yard.  He had fun plucking the blooming buds right off the plants and plopping them down into their treasure box.  Next, he helped his sister press squash those buds, but he shared one with me first.  It was for my hair, he said.

After lunch, he went shopping and on a few errands.  Then, he played quietly wildly while I hosted a year end portfolio review meeting in our home.  Once the meeting was over, he and his sisters headed out in the stifling heat to play. 

And, this is when the vital event that turned an alright day,
or even a good day,
into the best day ever...

For the record, he asked them to!
~ Dorie


  1. Through the eyes of a child the world is a different place. Love the value he placed on simple fun things!

  2. Quality time at home...working alongside one another...yeah...the best day. Ever.

  3. LOL- I love it! Totally the best day ever!!


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