September 16, 2013

Will He Stay or Go?

The declaration was sound, and loud. Coming from the way back seat of the van, our youngest exclaims, "When I grow up, I'm moving to New Hampshire to live near Nana!"

From the driver seat, I chuckle. "Really," I jokingly say, "What about me? your momma? Would you wanna live near me?"

"You can visit," he quickly replied.

We all laugh.

We're sitting at the gas station, fueling the van, watching the price of sale roll higher with each drop of gasoline.

"How about you?" Still laughing, I turn to our oldest son, wondering what he was planning.

"Not me. I'm not moving from this area," he declares his opinion aloud.

"Really?" My tone changes. Seriousness ensues. "What if God called you to go to say...Antarctica?"

He quiets. Breath abates. He turns to look out the side window.

Turning his head back, he evens his gaze with mine. "I'd go."

It is what I know I want to hear, but hearing it hurts.
And, my heart bursts into millions of pieces.

All of it makes the gift of today even more precious,
~ Dorie

Photographs from a summer day.

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