September 3, 2013

A Past Due Trip

We reward, not to be confused with a bribe {ahem}, our children with a fun trip to a place of their choice {within reason} with either mommy or daddy after they have read 100 books on their own. {Validated by mommy or daddy - who must listen to the entire book read aloud for it to count.}

Our oldest son went to a minor league baseball game with the Drummer.
Our oldest daughter went to a community ballet with me.

Our youngest daughter, well, she wanted to go to the zoo with me. Diligently, she read. There were easy books and long, involved chapter books. She persisted and finished reading 100 books. We were all pleased with her triumph, and heartily congratulated her. She was all smiles. We told her we'd plan the trip for the spring.

That was two years ago.

Yep, that's right I had forgotten about her reward...for two years.

Not a stellar mom moment.

This past June I remedied it. She finally got her prize!
And, what a fun time we had together, just she and I.

Our youngest has just begun his 100 books. We aim to do better this time around.

Thankful for His grace and mercy when I fail,
~ Dorie

*Reward idea for 100 books is something I read long ago. I am pretty confident it was in a book penned by Sally Clarkson.

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