September 22, 2013

Homeschool Mom's Bible {a review}

When the days are hectic, and you feel like you are in a haze, getting away for a short time to sit at the feet of the Lord is a must.

It is a time to recharge and regain focus.

Sometimes, it can be as simple as a time of prayer or quietness to listen. Sometimes, a bit of reading is in order. Then there are other times when you invite someone else to give a bit of input. Maybe in the way of a devotional.

A good devotional can help direct your thoughts into the presence of the Lord. Sometimes, these are stand alone books. Other times, for those who prefer, a good devotional can even be printed within the same binding as God's Word. These combination devo/God's Word allow readers to easily step into God's Word while reading the devotions.

Homeschool Mom's Bible is one of these combinations. It is a good devotional placed within the text of the Bible. Readers can choose between two translations: the classic King James Version (KJV) and the updated New International Version (NIV).

The Devotional:
I will obviously not be making any assessment on the Biblical text. That isn't what this review is about. Let's focus solely on the devotional aspect.

There are 365 one page devotionals scattered through out the Biblical text. Each is in chronological order and provides a small byline with where to find the following day's devotion. This makes progressing through the devotionals easier. Additionally, a Topical Index is included.

Topics range the complete spectrum of a homeschooling mom's life. From 'Fitting In' to 'School Spirit' to 'Feeble Excuses,' the topics are quite diverse. Yet each topic is applicable to any homeschooling mom.

Every devotional is set up in the same way. A headlining date and topic is followed by a verse with reference. Then the devotion, written by Janet Tatman, expounds upon the topic and the verse. The final section is a prayer.

My Thoughts:
I like the idea of 365 days of devotions, but I never read them just one day at a time. And, I never read that day's devotions. {Slight rebel, I know.} Usually, I skip around to find one that addresses something I am feeling or experiencing that day. Sometimes, I'll read several on timely issues. Having the Topical Index is ideal for me. It helps me to find the devotions which apply to that day or time in my life, regardless of the date.

The devotions are short, but well written. Tatman utilizes real life examples which convey sincerity and wisdom. Her tone is one of grace. When I read her words, I don't feel condemned for having a bad day or a less than stellar homeschool moment. Instead I feel encouraged.

If you are a homeschool mom, you will have rough days. Sometimes, it helps to pray, or speak with a friend, or read gracious words from a momma who has been there. Homeschool Mom's Bible might be one of these sources of encouragement for you.

~ Dorie

Fine Print: I received a copy from the publisher for this review.

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