November 12, 2010

A Rainbow Party

My youngest daughter loves color.  That may just be an understatement. 
Someday, I may post about decorating her room, but for now let's talk about birthday parties.  After seeing this post on Fowl Single File, I tentatively suggested the rainbow theme idea to my little girl as an option.  She agreed.  We loved the ideas in the post, and took a few cues from that party for our own (like using candy for decorating the cake and serving rainbow colored fruits and vegetables).  However, rather than attempt to duplicate their wonderful party, we came up with a few ideas of our own to put our own spin on the rainbow theme.   
Here is our take on a rainbow themed party... 

We began preparing for her party a couple weeks ahead of the scheduled day.

I made a birthday garland.

Together, my daughter and I made candy filled party favors

and goody bags.

We made decorations for the walls

and doorways,

prepared party games

and crafts,

planned a menu complete with a meal and dessert,

made rainbow colored sugar cookies

of several styles

and shapes,

and made a birthday cake

complete with her requested rainbow.

The day of the party, we ate,

played games,

and had cake.

The party was a hit!

This post has been shared with the Homemaking Link-Up of Raising Homemakers.


  1. I love that it's homemade...and brilliant!

    My favorite part is the white balloon clouds. :)

  2. I LOVE the rainbow arches over the doorway and windows...great idea and so festive! That cake is delightful, too! Thanks for linking to me and I'm so glad your party was a success.

  3. Beautiful party!

  4. Wow - you really go "all out" for a birthday! What a great Mom you are! Fun to find out you're a fellow HSing Mom, too. I'll be back to visit!

    I wanted to see how your Giving Thanks list was coming. Looks like you're keeping up with that - good for you. I'm thankful for each of those things, too. Well, except for the fact that I only have three kids. =)


    - Leah

  5. wow, what a wonderful party idea! Love the crafts, games and decorations!

    (visiting from the hop :)

  6. Very cute and creative!

  7. AnonymousJuly 24, 2011

    Hi - what did you make the rainbows over the door on?

  8. The rainbows over the doors are constructed from poster board paper, paint or markers, crepe paper, and for some of the clouds, white balloons.

  9. i really like the way u involve ur child in her birthday decoration and all....i m from v have very less resources to arrange a themed birthday party in budget....ur idea will definitly going to help me a lot for celebrating my daughter's 6 th birthday this July.....every thing was just perfect from the decoration giveawayz, cake, snaks and all


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