November 11, 2010

A Scavenger Hunt with Literature Clues

At my youngest daughter's recent birthday party, 
I devised a scavenger hunt with clues from children's literature. 
It was a fun way to combine their beloved books with a favorite party activity. 

Each child was given their own goody bag for the scavenger hunt. 

The first clue was read to all the children. 
The children then guessed the answer and went to that location.
At each location, one of these bags awaited them.

Inside each bag was a small party favor prize for each child to take and another clue.

Along the way, each child gathered their trinkets and answered clues.

From the last clue, the children had to 'follow the rainbow' to the last stop.
The birthday party had a rainbow theme,
and this helped tie the rainbow theme into the scavenger hunt.
Using a long piece of rainbow crepe paper,
I made a rainbow trail from the bottom of our steps to the final prize location. 

This basket of rainbow striped candy party favors was placed at the end of the rainbow
 in the birthday girl's room. 

Each child ended the scavenger hunt with a filled bag of party favors to take home with them.

Clues for the scavenger hunt...

1.  Peter Rabbit would like it here.  Go there for your first prize. 
(Answer: the garden)

2.  Curious George would like to climb this big leafed ___________. 
Find our __________ and your second prize. 
(Answer: tree)

3.  Laura Ingalls had a little __________ in the Big Woods. 
Find ours and your next prize. 
(Answer: play house - we call it the 'little house')

4.  The ______________ Rang   Find our _____________ and your prize. 
(Answer: Doorbell)

5.  Katy from Katy and the Big Snow was kept in a ____________________.  She called this home.  Find our ______________ and your prize. 
(Answer: garage)

6.  In Anna's New ____________, Anna got a new ____________. 
Find where we keep our ___________ and you will find a prize and the last clue. 
(Answer: coat, Location closet)

7.  Frog and Toad in "The Story" both end up sick in _____________. 
Follow the rainbow to the birthday girl's _________ for your final prize! 
(Answer: bed, Location: bedroom)


  1. That had to have been the best party.You made some really cute things,great job mom!!!
    Now,The feet thing is so cute.I am going to shoe that to my son.I am always teasing him about how big he is getting and his feet are huge.

  2. Great clues! The scavenger hunt sounds like such fun!


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