November 15, 2010

Simple and Easy Autumn Napkin Rings

After a bit of trial and error, I have found a way to make simple fall themed napkin rings from felt.  These are a great simple no-sew project for my daughters and I to complete together.  Here's a few samples...

Leaf with branches

Oak Leaf


Next, we plan to create some winter themed felt napkin rings for a homemade Christmas gift.

For anyone interested, this is how we made our felt napkin rings.

Materials ~
felt pieces in fall colors
shapes or patterns to trace

Instructions ~
1. Trace shape onto felt piece.

2. Cut out the pieces.
3. Cut out a band.  For the leaves, we made the ends of our band look like branches, for the turkey we made the ends look like feathers, and for the pumpkin we made the ends of our band look like leaves.

4. Cut a small slit in each of the large shapes (pumpkin near the top, leaves and turkey near the center).
5. Fold band in half and slide through the slit.  Form a circle with band to put on a napkin.

This post has been shared with the Homemaking Link-Up of Raising Homemakers.


  1. I love this! I'm not terribly crafty, but even I can't mess this up....much. :0)

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