November 16, 2010

Virtuous Girl

My oldest daughter and I have completed A Virtuous Girl: A Bible Study for Elementary Aged Girls, by Michelle Zoppa.  It is a wonderful twelve week Bible study based primarily on Proverbs 31:10-31. 

Each week a specific characteristic of a virtuous woman is studied.  A few of these are strength, speech, and being prepared.  As we studied each week, the author led us to different women of the Bible who exemplified each week's focused character trait.  We read about and studied Ruth, Abigail, Mary, and Phoebe to name a few.  The questions and examples were well thought out and applicable. 

Both my daughter and I enjoyed using this Bible study to read, study, and apply the lessons of Proverbs 31 together. 

The study suggests that your daughter be between ages 6 and 12.  My daughter is 9, and I thought it was perfect for her age and maturity level.  I highly recommend this study.

A Virtuous Girl is published by Queen Homeschool Supplies.  If you have never looked into Queen Homeschool Supplies, take a few moments and check out their amazing resources for parents and homeschoolers.  We have been blessed to read through several of their science books, to use their copy books, and to improve handwriting skills with their cursive writing series.

Please Note: I am not affiliated with Queen Homeschool Supplies, nor have I received any money or gifts for this recommendation.  Alas, I am just sharing my own heartfelt appreciation of a publisher who offers interesting, Biblically sound resources.

Today, I have linked to the Hip Homeschool Hop
and Teach Me Tuesday at A Bokros Kind of Life.
Both are nice places to find other homeschoolers and homeschooling resources.
Click on the links to visit either or both.


  1. We love Queen Homeschool Supplies. Such beautiful stuff. I really love Pictures in Cursive. The Bible study looks good, thanks for reviewing. Stopped by from Hip Homeschool Hop this morning.

  2. This looks like a wonderful Bible study. Thank you for posting about it. I think I may pop over to the website and get it for my daughter and I for next semester. Have a wonderful rest of the week.

  3. This sounds like such a wonderful study! It would be great if every young girl could learn from the example of Godly women - in the Bible and in their everyday lives.

  4. Sounds like a perfect study to do with my 9 year old! Thank you so much for linking up on Teach Me Tuesday! Hope to see you back next week!


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