January 10, 2011

Jams, Corn, and Sauce

Every summer when the fruits ripen on the vines and trees
and the sweet corn has been harvested,
my mom takes a few days to make my family (and my siblings' families)
jams, corn, and applesauce.
We are all so very grateful that she would use her time, energy, and resources to bless us.
We are also grateful for the bounty of this blessing
that lasts through these cold winter months.

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Because it is Monday and
because there is so much to be thankful for,
I am joining with Ann Voskamp and the ladies at A Holy Experience
thanking our Heavenly Father for His gifts.

176.  moms who continue to bless us with homemade goodies all year long

177.  the time my mom took to teach my daughters to make jam and the jam they made together

178.  having my mom's homemade applesauce throughout the winter months

179.  delicious corn lovingly cooked and preserved for my family to enjoy by my mom

180.  making time to chat with friends on the telephone

181.  reaching the half way mark of our school year

182.  my oldest daughter finishing her book for TNT (AWANAs)

183.  a child who spelled accidentally 'askedentily'

184.  my preschooler's enthusiasm for his lessons

185.  both sets of grandparents who take the time to pursue relationships with each of my children

186.  Saturday morning phone calls from loved ones far away

187.  the enjoyment my children get from cutting out paper snowflakes and the mass of snowflakes they created

188.  visitors who just drop by to chat

189.  the time my daughter and I are spending planning and preparing for her upcoming birthday party

190.  that the prep work for fixing the bathroom was completed


  1. homemade goodies...yummy!
    Enjoyed your blessing!

  2. Such a beautiful tribute to your Mom and her resources. I love preparing food for our family's future... Hopefully my young daughters will be thankful for it at some point when they are adults..

    You have a beautiful blog.. I am your newset follower.

  3. what a wonderful list of blessings! Happy Monday to you :)

  4. I love canning and preserving - I bet her goodies are wonderful!!


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