January 11, 2011

Winter Themed Art Projects

As part of their current winter unit study, my preschooler and second grader have completed several art projects.  My two favorite projects so far are...

Winter Wonderland Scenes

These snowy scenes are made from construction paper (brown, blue, and white).  Trees were cut out of brown paper.  The falling snow and snow covered hills were torn from white paper.

My daughter's project ~ 2nd grade

My son's project ~ preschool
(I cut out the trees, but the rest is his creative work)

A Snowman

This snowman is made from felt, construction paper, thin foam, buttons, pipe cleaners, wiggly eyes, pony beads, and glitter.  In addition to the different textures, some of the supplies (foam circles, buttons, and pipe cleaner pieces) offered an exercise in size comparison (big, medium, and little) for my youngest.

 "Frosty" as my son calls him

This post has been linked to Show and Tell at ABC and 123.


  1. what talented winter artists you.. Great job...and great shots of them!

  2. What great art projects! I really like the tress and snow :-)

  3. Thanks for another good idea...I have been wanting to do a project that would be good to include my preschooler in. And thanks for stopping by my page! :-) Have a great day. -Jen


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