January 24, 2011

Beauty in Winter

The gutters were damaged.  Bright afternoon sunshine melted the snow covered roof. 
Water poured forth, bursted over the roof edge
covered weathered bushes,
and froze, encasing the living with non living,
a beautiful visual image contrasting life and death. 
A gift of beauty amongst the recent roofing problems...

I will give thanks to the LORD with all my heart;
I will tell of all Your wonders.
Psalm 9:1  NASB

...continuing my gratitude list...

206.  this 'habit of thankfulness' that Ann of A Holy Experience encourages and helps foster in all of us touched by Multitudes on Mondays

207.  the reminders within every day life of God's greatness and grace, and this visual image of words recording these every day moments of gratitude

208.  the beautiful ice showing the living encased by nonliving, and all it reminds me of

209.  a fixed roof

210.  a little boy sleeping through some of the roofing repairs despite the noise

211.  the front gutter repaired

212.  the beautiful photographs I have been able to capture with the winter weather

213.  finding beauty in winter

214.  time spent praising Him who created and sustains all of life

215.  celebrating 100 days of school this school year

216.  my children crying out 'more, more' for this week's read aloud, Tales of Robin Hood

217.  sharing celebrations with family

218.  a new apologetics class my husband and I are taking at our church

219.  turning on a CD of praise music and a child saying 'Oh, I love that song...'

220.  little children singing praises to our Heavenly Father

221.  favorite blankets and quilts that ease away the cold

222.  a baby boy squealing happily

223.  joy in watching new parents navigate the beginning of their parenting journey

224.  reminiscing about our own 'first days' of parenting with my husband

225.  making homemade gingerbread cake with our daughter

226.  a daughter's reaction to the smell of molasses

227.  Green Bay Packers going to the Super Bowl

228.  our daughter enjoying her birthday party

229.  homemade thank you note cards made by our daughter

230.  beautiful words of gratitude she expressed in her note to us
...and so it continues...


  1. I love your list of blessings, and those winter icy picture are indeed a blessing to look at!

  2. Glory your pictures are beautiful. We have not had an ice storm yet this year...it is not unusual for us to be stopped in our tracks by ice each year. You have found beauty in the midst of the damage ice can do...

  3. Your photos are gorgeous! Love your list!


  4. Your pictures of the ice are so beautiful. I can almost reach out and touch the cold.

  5. Visiting from A Holy Experience ... was fun to read your gratitude list. And I love your photos ... so beautiful!

  6. Dorie,

    Your beautiful words match your beautiful photographs. I really like how you captured the close-ups pictures of the frozen icecicles.


    -Lady Rose

  7. What beautiful post! So glad that you are able to see the wonder and beauty inspite of the cold temps!

  8. A beautiful post, and I love your pictures. Blessings ~


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