August 15, 2012

On Neglecting

How can something go from vibrant and beautiful...

early summer

to dying...


in a matter of days?

early summer

{If a man dies, will he live again? ~ Job 14:14}


Absence of the care taker, lack of water, and increase of heat combined to diminish the previously beautiful life. 

We had neglected it. 

Other responsibilities and activities had taken precedent over caring for the summer flowers.  We didn't notice the change right away.  It wasn't until the damage was almost complete, then we saw.  Our distractions led to its destruction.  We had almost noticed too late. 

Yet, with a bit of care and tenderness, it flourished again.
~ Dorie

last week

* Thankfully, the Lord never neglects. He always offers life.
Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life;
he who believes in Me will live even if he dies..."
~ John 11:25

last week

Related Reading:
What I Really Need to Remember
Who Can Tell

1 comment:

  1. When I was away for a week, my husband neglected to water our potted plant. Though it rained a bit, it wasn't enough with the high winds. All the blossoms of the plants came off.

    It's been about two weeks, but it's starting to return! It's been in "ICU" since then. I've been more faithful recently then even when I first planted it!

    And thankfully the Lord never neglects! Thanks for the reminder!


Thank you for sharing your thoughts.