August 13, 2012

Together on Tuesdays - Week 9

A person of influence...
who do you pick?

So many people have left an imprint on my life, my experiences,
my character, my personality, my talents... 

Honestly, I struggled to name one.

My husband...
who's life is intertwined with mine,
shares day to day happenings, long term joys and struggles,
holds my hand,
cherishes my heart,
upholds me in prayer,
and loves me,
encourages me everyday.

My children...
who are each a unique blessing,
have taught me much about the Father's love,
guidance, and presence.
They have helped change me.

My parents...
who raised me and my siblings,
greatly influenced my childhood,
my growth and development,
and my launch into adulthood,
have shaped my life.

My siblings...
who shared growing up awkward years
and now our adulthood endeavors,
effect my life.

My teachers...
who taught me academics and
showed me some of my talents,
   have inspired me.

My friends...
who walk beside me,
spend their free time with me,
offer counsel when needed,
laugh and cry with me,
have made a difference in my life.

Each individual I have been blessed to know,
has influenced my life.
Yet, not by their doing or being alone.
No, there was, and is, always someone else,
Someone greater,
who has and is the greatest influence in my life.
~ Dorie

"And He [God] made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place,"

"...the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world,
so that we might live through him.  In this is love, not that we have loved God
but that he loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation four our sins."
1 John 4:9-10

Next Week {Our last Together on Tuesdays for this summer}: Share your summer wrap-up or fall plans.

Today, if you would like to share about your home, just write a post, or link to a past one. Please add a text link to either This Simple Home or These Grace Filled Days, and then add your post to the link-up below. Be sure to link your post and not your home page.

Not able to link up? Feel free to add your experience of a person who influenced you in the comments.


  1. Once we start thinking about those who have influenced our lives, it really is hard to name just one. We've been blessed by many but especially by the One who has guided each of us.

  2. beautiful.. and that first shot.... Stunning composition and lighting... LOVE it and the bokeh

  3. I like how you named these wonderful influences in groups. And yes, our children do influence us, even at a young age! :)


Thank you for sharing your thoughts.