July 16, 2012

Together on Tuesdays - Week 5

Welcome to another Together on TuesdayThank you to all who have been participating by sharing your posts and/or thoughts in comments/emails. 

My sincere apologies for last week's limited responses from me.  We have been away, and the internet connection was intermittent at best.  Alas, we are now home, and I am wading through piles of laundry and mail. 

Meanwhile, another Tuesday has quickly appeared, and this week, Annette and I are sharing some of our summer plans, activities, and traditions.  Wanna join us?  Just add your link below.

Summertime has always been a time of relaxation, outdoor fun, and travel for our family.  Each May, we talk about our summertime plans.  Sometimes, we plan a few new things, but often it is the same list.  We have a few traditional favorites, which include: visiting the beach, going swimming, fishing, and attending VBS.  Other regular summertime activities include biking, hiking, and gardening. 

Each of our children are blessed to visit my parents for individual overnight visits, two of our older children spend a week away at camp, and our whole family spends a day with extended family at an amusement park.  

We aren't always able to take a family vacation during the summer.  However, for the past three years, we have spent a week at a Bible conference center being refreshed in God's Word and spending time with families from our church and elsewhere.  

When we learn about something new, we consider adding it to our summer days. So far, this year, we saw some beautiful lights in the public gardens and traveled to Washington, D.C. 

In the remaining days of summer, we hope to watch some of the Olympic games, travel to a water park, view the Dead Sea Scrolls, and watch some monster trucks.

Next Week: We will be sharing about our families.

Today, if you have any summer plans, activities, or traditions that you would like to share just write a post, or link to a past one. Please add a text link to either This Simple Home or These Grace Filled Days, and then add your post to the link-up below. Be sure to link your post and not your home page. This makes it much easier to find your post for the link-up.

Ready to link up? We'd love to get to get to know you better during these relaxing summer months.

1 comment:

  1. Your summer sounds relaxing, yet full of family and time together. Great balance!!


Thank you for sharing your thoughts.