May 21, 2012

When You Are Feeling Down

Yesterday, after I wrote about being hurt by another, I thought I should share what happened afterwards.  For what does one do when you feel ever so down and rejected?  Believe it or not, I started counting my blessings.  Well, first I wallowed in my despair for a bit, then I cried tears, prayed, then I started counting, and then I received encouragement. 

Today, a few of those blessings I counted...

a wonderful soccer season for our youngest, with the best coach ever (yes, I am partial, the coach is my husband after all!)

planting tender new plants, which we had grown from seed, in our garden

eating freshly harvested, from our garden, mixed greens for dinner

hosta budding

a daughter, who was feeling a bit left out and friendless two months ago, had two birthday party invites within a few weeks

ability to send two children to camp this summer

an annual upcoming extended family trip to an amusement park

a tree flowering in our backyard

my husband setting up the hammock in our backyard under the flowering tree for us to take an afternoon nap together

While the incident I shared yesterday, still stings, I am choosing to focus on the larger picture of my life.  So, for these and so many more blessings, I give thanks!
~ Dorie


  1. it can be so hard to be hurt...something refreshing about beautiful pictures to show most important blessings :) I"m a new visitor, enjoyed reading this. God bless :)

    1. Thanks for your kind words and visiting, Michy!

  2. You are right. The bigger picture is what matter.

    Yesterday I was upset about something. But in the big picture it will be okay...even if today still stings.

    1. Perspective does help me immensely, but can be so hard to get to on my own. Thankfully, the Lord does not keep us in the pits of despair, but lifts us up to see.

  3. Yes - give thanks in the little everyday things - and know that He has a plan for you :)

    I have some hostas here if you would like them...they are not my favorite, but I can't seem to get rid of them!

    1. Definitely grateful for His plan!
      And, you are too funny about the hosta. I use to not care for it as well, until it was all I could get to grow in this one spot in our yard. Now, since I can't seem to harm it, and it is flourishing, I like 'em :-)


Thank you for sharing your thoughts.