May 20, 2012

When Another Christian Hurts You

I don't talk about it much.  If you know me personally, then you might know I graduated from college.  No, not all my friends know this.  It is not something that I drop into conversation.  Naturally, then, you would have to know me very well to know I graduated with high honors, like the kind with Latin words.  For years, I have done nothing with my degree that enables me to take a test and have letters behind my name.  Before I married and had children, I sported these letters and worked daily using my education.  When my husband and I made the decision that I would stay home and care for the children while he built his career, I let my certification expire.  I let go of the letters and the identity.  I was, and still am, very content to be his wife and the mother of our children.

However, a few months ago, the Lord began impressing upon me the importance of using all my talents and skills for His glory.  I sensed that He wanted me to use these skills and talents beyond the walls of my home, not in lieu of my responsibilities and roles at home, but in addition, in a Proverbs 31 woman way.  I began praying for open doors and a willing heart.  I wanted to be open to using anything that He has given me in any type of ministry He brought to me. 

One day, my husband and I heard of a need for volunteers in a short-term ministry.  I became very excited.  The ministry opportunity would last only one week, but it was something I could do which would use my college education.  Certainly, the training and education needed for the job could be obtained through other means, and perhaps my degree was over the top for the position I wanted, but I knew it would help.  After speaking with my husband and receiving not only his support, but enthusiastic encouragement, and assurance that he and the children would be fine in my absence, I approached the Christian ministry. 

After sharing my willingness to help and asking one question, I was dismayed by the response I was given.  This individual, a professing Christian, dismissed my offer to help by telling me I'd be better off to wait until my children were grown, and that I could 'help' by praying for their ministry while I stayed home with my children.  I was not even given any opportunity to share my skills or past experience or how my husband and I would work out our personal family responsibilities in my absence.   Assumptions were made by this professing Christian and I was too shocked and too hurt to even correct them.

Obviously, the Lord did not want me to work in this ministry.  With a reception like the one I received, how could I think otherwise?  Yet, I was crushed.  As I prayed {OK, first I cried, then I prayed} about the situation, the Lord brought words of comfort in the remembrance of a passage from Acts.  Remember when Paul and his companions were prevented from going somewhere they wanted to go?*  The Lord wanted them to go to Macedonia, but Paul and his companions first tried to go to Asia and then Bithynia.  Both times, the Lord prevented them from going to preach the gospel in those locations.  Instead, He wanted them to go to Macedonia.  This was the Lord's best plan for their lives.  For whatever reason, I have just experienced this type of denial, and now I wait in hope for the right ministry opportunity.
~ Dorie

{*Acts 16:6-10}


  1. Oh sweet friend - sending you hugs of comfort. Sadly, I have been in a similar spot. Praying for you!

    1. Thanks Aurie! So sorry you have experienced this as well.

  2. Thanks Pam for sharing your experience and such words of wisdom!


Thank you for sharing your thoughts.