November 28, 2011

On Wanting to Quit

The day had been spent gathered with family, giving thanks.  We talked, laughed, and ate our fill on a day celebrating contentment, known as Thanksgiving.

That evening, relaxing at my in-laws home, I hopped on the computer to check email.  Once that was done, I began poking around the web, reading articles and blog posts.  I gravitated toward topics I find interesting and sometimes write about. 

As I read the words of others, I began to feel unnecessary, like what I say or write is not needed.  After all, someone else will eventually say something similar, and say it much better than I could. 

I was not thinking about how amazing it is that God is using so many different people to share His message of grace.  Instead, I was focused on myself.  I was comparing my glaring imperfections with my perceived perfection of others.

Turning off the computer, I sighed and thought, should I quit writing?

Climbing the stairs, I turned the corner.  Immediately, I saw my youngest.  His eyes lit up when he saw me.  He was busy flossing his teeth on his own.  My husband has been teaching him.  At the sight of the two of them, my heart swelled.  And though neither said a word, watching my youngest haphazardly trying to floss his teeth, I learned volumes. 

I knew it didn't really matter.

It didn't really matter how well I wrote it.

What really matters is that I follow Him and His will for my life, whatever that may be in each season of my life.  So, I continue to imperfectly write the words from my heart...
~ Dorie 

811.  choices

812.  imperfect efforts that God blesses

813.  weaving words into sentences

814.  safe travels for holiday travels

815.  hiking among immense boulders

816.  visiting Boston, MA

817.  spending Thanksgiving with family

818.  opportunities and outlets for creativity

...and so it goes...


  1. Dorie,
    And what is a blessing is the fact that God has put others in your path that your words ARE a blessing to. And that your words are a gift, a legacy to your family. What a wonderful thing to have a Mama who gives good words.

  2. oh the struggle I think many bloggers deal with...some many gifted bloggers...the enemy wants us to compare ourselves...this is never fruitful...for long as I feel God leading me here...I will stay...if and when this time is done...I will stop...or at least this is my prayer...
    Blessings as you continue one post at a the most important audience...the audience of ONE

  3. Blessings to you, Dorie, for hearing the words of affirmation at just the right time from the right Author.

  4. Don't quit writing - you are such an inspiration to me!!

  5. Your words are beautiful. You are unique and you have a voice to be heard in your writing. Keep going!


Thank you for sharing your thoughts.