November 29, 2011

The Grace Effect {a review}

What is 'the grace effect'?  According to the author, Larry Alex Taunton, it is the changes brought by God as individuals serve Him.  For you see, we all innately know that our actions effect others either for better or worse.  No one lives in a vacuum.  The simplest choices can have very profound effects on others.  As Christians, we are uniquely equipped by God's grace to impact in great ways society as a whole, one individual at a time.  This is the premise Taunton bases his book upon.

The purpose of The Grace Effect is to present the effect of grace in one individual life and explore the possibility of this effect multiplied within society and the effect this would have on society as a whole.

By sharing his family's experience adopting Sasha, a ten year old girl from Ukraine, Taunton takes readers along a redemptive journey.  At times, Taunton's narrative leans toward political and historical analysis, but this information is intertwined and proves necessary for understanding Taunton's opinions and conclusions expressed in the final chapters.  Throughout the entire book, Taunton's passion is evident and his experience is honestly shared. 

The book itself is thought provoking, compassionate, and a wonderful testimony to the power of redemptive grace.  Overall, this story is a compelling read.

Thank you to Thomas Nelson for providing me with a complimentary copy of this book for review purposes through the BookSneeze program.  All opinions expressed within this review are my own.


  1. Sounds like an intriguing book! Thanks for sharing your thoughts :)

  2. wow, it sounds good!!

    mountain amam


Thank you for sharing your thoughts.