November 30, 2011

Preparing for Winter

It was the first frost that beckoned me
into the fog and freezing air with not coat or gloves.
Outside I trod, camera in hand, and dog at heels.

The frosted lines of the fallen leaves captivated my attention. 
Crunching through the leaves, the dog snorted and sniffed.
When I heard the rustling behind me, I assumed it was him.

Looking up, I saw him before me, but the rustling behind.
A stray squirrel, I dismissed the sound.
Why doesn't the dog chase away the rodent?

The rustling continued, and finally I turned to examine.
However, it wasn't a stray squirrel rodent at all.
The large catalpa tree was giving up her leaves for the winter.

Slowly, rhythmically, leaves fell through the sky,
landing on the steadily accumulating pile at her base. 
Laid bare, she was preparing for winter by sacrificing.

And, the scene reminded me of the Proverbs 31 woman...
"She is not afraid of the snow for her household,
For all her household are clothed with scarlet." verse 21

And I began to wonder...
How am I preparing my family for the upcoming winter? 
Not only the winter, a season of the year,
but the winter, seasons of sorrow and hardships in life.
How am I helping my children to prepare
for the sorrows and hardships that inevitably come in life?
~ Dorie

Linked to Word Filled Wednesday, Walk with Him Wednesdays, and Imperfect Prose


  1. Dorie - this is a lovely post. If we take time to stop and listen, God can speak to us through any means and I certainly believe He speaks to us through His creation.


  2. Dorie...what a perrfect question you asked at the I've been pondering myself am I preparing myself and those who have been entrusted to me...
    such a powerful post today lady!

  3. Thank you again for your wise words!

    dorie...beautiful pictures...and good hard questions to ask...He will be faithful to give our the wisdom to prepare you family for the seasons of life...Blessings~

  5. Dorie, that you are a mama who thinks to prepare her children for the challenges is all gift. I loved this phrase in particular "Laid bare, she was preparing for winter by sacrificing." Lovely, really lovely words.

  6. That is a very good question indeed. Just knowing there is a question is a good beginning to an answer.

  7. Great message, very inspiring. And beautiful images as well. God bless!

  8. I am constantly humbled by you!! Blessings, sweet friend!

  9. it definitely happens and is coming, that winter in all our lives...and we are given but a time to prepare our children for we are ourselves...nice pics too...the frost makes life magical...

  10. I know what you mean. My freezer is filled with summer bounty and a slaughtered lamb. I prepare for winter with food. My woodpile is piled high with wood. I prepare for winter with fuel. I am making an effort to work better at my job. I'm preparing for winter with financial security. LOVE your words.

  11. love your thoughts here!!

    mountain mama

  12. Wow. Beautiful post. A challenging question to ponder.

  13. Lovely post along with pictures. Thank you for sharing. Blessings.

  14. so beautiful, this act of sacrifice... thank you.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts.