October 3, 2011

The Coach's Son

One Saturday morning, the coach's son spent twenty minutes before the actual game running up and down the flag football field.

Then that very same coach's son lost his flag before the game even started, and had to find it before he could play.

Once he found his flag, he refused to wear the required mouth guard and tried to hide it in his pocket.

Meanwhile, he kept running to his mommy for water, apparently he was thirsty a lot.

Once he was on the field, the coach's son had to be picked up by the his coach and put into his spot on the line for defense.

Then, the coach's son missed pulling a flag, because he was too busy kicking up grass running around the field.

When his team finally got the ball, and the coach's son carried it down the field, he got his flag pulled, ending the team's chance for a touch down.

After the game, in which his team lost, the coach's son said he loves playing football!

The coach is the Drummer and the coach's son is our youngest.  The Drummer enjoys coaching his team and sharing a love of football with these preschoolers and kindergartners.  And the rest of us thoroughly enjoy watching every week as these little ones play, or not, whatever the case may be.
~ Dorie

...continuing my gratitude listing...

711.  watching preschoolers and kindergartners play flag football

712.  enthusiasm and love for the game

713.  our youngest wearing his jersey hours after the game, wanting to wear it all day - he loves being a part of the team

714.  watching seventh and eighth graders play flag football in the second game of the day

715.  our oldest, on the field, playing hard with his team mates, loving the game, learning skills, developing team work

716.  the difference in a matter of years - learning skills, team work, understanding and execution of plays, amazing to see

717.  testimonies shared during half time

718.  meeting families from the community who we probably wouldn't have met otherwise

719.  fathers and children camp out trip - our three oldest attended with the Drummer

720.  bonfires on cool autumn evenings

721.  time for just our youngest and me

722.  putting together puzzles, playing games

723.  apple bread and desserts

724.  field trip to a science center for our oldest and a few of his friends, and all they learned

725.  finding our daughters have only a few clothing needs for fall and winter

726.  being asked to read more aloud

...and so it continues...


  1. Such a sweet list! I love how excited he was to play :)

  2. HA! We had wanted M to be in the flag football program, too. However with the baby's arrival mid-season, we didn't think it wise. However, I can picture her doing exactly what your youngest did! (On a different note, we have found a soccer program that teaches just skills to her age...no games yet...perfect for us, esp since it takes place right after school. We'r ethankful for an outlet for her interest in sports.)

    Oh, yesterday M asked if she could play tackle football. (Learned about from a book, of course.)

  3. what a joy....i love the kicking grass kids.. I had two of them!!!!!

  4. Great list, Thanks! I enjoyed the very clear portrayal of your young son's antics. Made me chuckle. Medicine for my soul. =)

  5. stopping by from Ann's...I love this...keep this relaxed view of watching little ones play sport...just how it should be...

  6. *Noticing* the lessons and the community found in children's activities...THIS is beautiful worship.

    Rich blessings as you soak it all up!


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