October 2, 2011

Poured Down Blessings

Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. 
And thereby put me to the test, says the LORD of hosts,
if I will not open the windows of heaven for you
and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need.

Why did I chose this verse this week?
Though this verse speaks of tithing, I also see a lack of faith.
The people were not trusting the Lord to provide.
Unable to give freely and cheerfully,
they held on tightly to what they had.
Which makes me ponder what am I holding onto tightly,
and consequently...what blessings am I missing out on?
~ Dorie

Linking with Scripture & a Snapshot at Katie Lloyd Photography {the blog}



  1. love your view on this.....and what an amazing picture

  2. lovely dorie. it is so easy to fall into holding tightly to what we have when God asks us to freely give all. love this reminder. have a great sunday~

  3. Indeed, those are thought-provoking questions. Thanks for a reminder to let go so God can pour down his blessings!

  4. love this shot with this verse.

  5. Great reminder to trust in God.

  6. ... a flowing fountain,an aged offering for the thirsty...Your photo touched me deep, really wonderful! I was impressed to write about a similar theme this week @ reflections-besidestillwaters.blogspot.com


Thank you for sharing your thoughts.