October 4, 2011

God's Story, Your Story {a review}

God's Story, Your Story: Youth Edition
The title of the book intrigued me: God's Story, Your Story.  Instantly, I wanted to know what this book held within its pages.  I have read God's story in His Word, the Bible.  I know my story.  I live it every day of my life.  But, what did Max Lucado mean when he added 'When His becomes yours' as a subtitle to his newest book?

My interest only increased as I read through the introduction.  Moving through the ten chapters, I learned what Lucado meant by 'when His becomes yours.'  Filled with inspiring messages and encouraging stories, Lucado traces ten vital occurrences of the New Testament and simultaneously intertwines our daily lives and choices.

While reading familiar passages accompanied by Lucado's insights and applications, I was challenged and encouraged.  For instance, in chapter 7, Lucado appeals his readers to "Learn to wait, to be silent, to listen for his voice.  Cherish stillness." These words challenged me to consider my own pace of life.  Am I waiting and trusting on the Lord?  Or am I rushing ahead?  Other chapters held an atmosphere of encouragement and grace for me.  With titles like "The Right Doors Open" and "All Things Work for Good," Lucado points readers to the peace and assurance that the Lord is in control and working all things for our good.  These reminders were timely and reassuring to me.

The book concludes with a beautiful analogy of death and graduation.  This is definitely one image that will remain with me for many years to come. 

A discussion and action guide accompanies the text and is located at the end of the book.  Prepared by David Drury, there is enough information, questions, and suggestions for each chapter to use for a personal growth study or perhaps in a small group setting.  Youth editions, curriculum kits, and many other resources for this book are available separately. 

Inspired by God's Story, Your Story, a new website has been launched called His Is Mine.  It is a place where everyone and anyone can share or read testimonies from all over the world.  A large group of Christians gathered in one place, sharing what God has done and is doing in their lives, is a beautiful encouragement for all!

And, for anyone interested, I have a copy of God's Story, Your Story for one of you! Read the details and enter the give away at this link: God's Story, Your Story: {a give away}.

Disclaimer: I received two copies of God's Story, Your Story from Zondervan.  One copy was for me to review and the other to give away.  I was not compensated in any other means.  All opinions expressed in the above post are my own.

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