July 1, 2011

Lazy Days of Summer?

Wednesday, I woke up tired.  It has been a long, full month.  How I wish I could say my time was filled with computer or cell phone usage.  I could simply turn it off or unplug it.  But I can't unplug or turn off appointments, meetings, and responsibilities.

Instead, we traveled to doctor appointments, dental cleanings, eye check-ups, orthodontic consultations, year end meetings, portfolio reviews, and co-op lesson plannings.  Time was squeezed out of every week.  Rushing children from one appointment to another is not my idea of lazy summer days.

June is generally a time of sweet rest.  This year, an odd convergence of commitments filled the month before it began.  Determined not to miss out on the fun of summer, we still made time for play and friends.  However, I feel like the slow pace of summer eluded us.  Now, I look forward to July and wonder what the midsummer month holds.

Turning the calendar page, I gasp.  With overnight camp for two children, family vacation, children visiting grandparents overnight, and a week long evening VBS already scribbled in squares, I wonder...

Where have the long, lazy days of summer gone? 


  1. Oh friend, I hear you! June was packed to the brim for us - and I am very happy to say hello to a mostly empty July calendar! We do our best to keep July free, because August is all full of those last minute trips.

    Prayers of quiet for you!!

  2. Good question. Where have they gone? Those "long, lazy days of summer?" I hope to find them on vacation next week! Hope you get some chill time this summer too. Blessings!

  3. AnonymousJuly 01, 2011

    I think the term, "long lazy days of summer" is simply a "silly myth." They simply don't exist. The summer months tend to go by much faster than other seasons during the year. Also, I think more things are planned during the summer because of the nice weather.

    At any rate, I hope that you can find some "rest time" between your busy schedule with your family.

  4. ohhh...the oriental lillies are my favorite!! we had some in our wedding...great shots!!!


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