July 2, 2011

Learning Happens on Holiday Outings

When: Father's Day fishing trip
Where: catch and release fishing area in a local park
Who: the Drummer and our oldest son
What: how to remove a hook out of a fish after the fish swallowed it
How: carefully

It has been awhile since I have participated in this fun link-up challenge.  When I saw the theme this past week, I couldn't help but share this photograph.  To see more photos answering the challenge of "Learning Happens" visit this week's L.E.N.S. Challenge at Home is Where You Start From.


  1. What a great photo and a great lesson learned too.

  2. Nice photo. I've actually heard that most hooks will simply rust away if you just cut the line but I've never tried it (primarily because I usually don't catch and release.)


  3. Owie! That looks like it huts...poor lil' thang. Looks like he's getting his molars removed!

  4. Great picture! Visiting from the Learning Never Stops Photo Challenge.

  5. oh wow, that's a great photo! Thanks for joining up! :)

  6. What a great learning experiance.
    My boys LOVE fishing with their daddy too!


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