June 29, 2011

Signs to Heed

A somewhat recent hike brought us to a beautiful lookout
and this sign...

Did you catch that?

While the sign gave us a bit of a chuckle,
it is interesting to note how many times
I have knowingly disregarded
the signs in my own life.
How many times have I seen something
obviously telling me
to use caution,
 slow down,
or stop...
and I chose to proceed ignoring all warning signs?

Or how many times do I miss something really good
and beneficial
because I was distracted
by something else
and not reading the signs around me?


But if any of you lacks wisdom,
let him ask of God,
who gives to all generously and without reproach,
and it will be given to him.
James 1:5


  1. So true! Signs that are right in front of us can be missed if we are not looking at them - or choose to ignore them!

  2. How very true. I have always believed that God very generously and gently puts signs in front of me to guide me. And your right I don't always see them :( Thanks for the reminder.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts.