June 13, 2011

Strawberry Picking

Though the season is almost over, we went to the strawberry patch on Tuesday with a few friends.

Each child worked tirelessly, enjoying the task of picking many, many berries.

We offered some to our friends who were with us.  They wanted to make jam and pie. 

And, still the children picked more.  Gathering berries and fond memories, they moved down a row.

I laughed with delight.  My memories of strawberry picking are not as fond.  During a college break, my sister, mom, and I worked for a short {very short} time picking strawberries.  I remember the work as hot, draining, and long.  By the end of the first morninig session, I had a back ache like I had never known. 

My children, however, will remember a wonderful day of picking strawberries and having enough energy to play on the gigantic strawberry slide afterwards.

Strawberry season always brings to mind my mom's shortcake.  During my growing years, Momma made shortcake every year when strawberries ripened.  Oh, that taste of summer!  Using her recipe, I make shortcake for my children.  After Tuesday's strawberry picking, I made it for a second time this strawberry season. 

The following morning, I made the children homemade waffles and topped them with strawberries and whipped cream.  They decided it was like having strawberry shortcake for breakfast!  I had to agree, but we did have a lot of strawberries to use or freeze over the next few days.

531.  picking strawberries with the children

532.  making good summer memories

533.  strawberry shortcake
photograph from first shortcake of this strawberry season

534.  lots of strawberries to eat

535.  huge wooden strawberry with large metal slide, sheer fun for the children

536.  taking time to rest for restoration

537.  new fishing rods for children

538.  children anticipating fishing trips

539.  an aftenoon at the pool

540.  Saturday at the sea shore

541.  child made sand castles

542.  waves to play in

543.  ocean life to observe

544.  huge, vivid rainbow arching across the sky seen on the way home

...and so it continues...


  1. What a fun time! We have yet to get to the berry patch - admittedly it slipped my mind. Whoops! I'll have to see if I can get there :)

  2. You must have had a moderately cool day for the children to work so hard! The children and I were exhausted after 20 or 30 minutes!

    You are right...it IS hard on the back!

  3. berry picking Oh how I love berry picking, gorgeous picture btw!

  4. fun!

    that's one cool slide!

    hope you have a great week =)

  5. I am jealous... though that's not a very grace filled trait is it? I don't get to pick strawberries anymore due to an allergy to the bushes. Looks like you had such fun!

  6. AnonymousJune 13, 2011


    I'm glad that your children had a delightful time berry picking.

    When I was a child, my mom also used to make strawberry shortcake with whipped cream, and it was always so good! It's something that I have yet to make for my husband.

    We like strawberries on top of homemade waffles too, and yes, it is like a little strawberry shortcake. :)


    -L. Rose

  7. We loom forward to fresh strawberry shortake every year. It's even great if you freeze some of the berries and use it as strawberry sauce - that's what we like on our waffles> Smile.


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