May 22, 2011

Things Above

Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.  Colossians 3:2
To read in context: Colossians 3

When I look through these barren branches from a winter trip to the park,
I can see through to the sky and sunlight easily because the trees are bare.
There are no flowers or leaves to block out the light or sky above.
After all, the photograph was taken on a bleak day in February.
Then, perhaps, too, I the barren or bleak times in my life allow me
to see Him and His light more clearly as well?

Linked to Scripture & a Snapshot at Katie Lloyd Photography {the blog}


  1. Beautiful! I love that verse - perfect reminder for today :)

  2. This is an excellent one and one that we always need to remember. I really like it. Great work!!!

  3. Very nice! I've been doing a study on Colossians - it's a great book of the Bible!

  4. Love that analogy. The bareness of winter allows us to see him better!


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