May 23, 2011

Beauty in the Details

These crisp white flowers have amazing, colorful centers.
Constantly, I am in awe, observing the beautiful design of God's creation!
May you find time today, wherever you are, 
to gaze upon the beauty of creation and delight in its blessings.

...continuing my gratitude listing...

491.  beauty in the details of God's creation for enjoyment and purpose

492.  the intricacy of creation

493.  bees that help pollinate and taking a few photographs of them at work

494.  bird eggs hatching, baby birds growing, watching it all unfold in our backyard

495.  inspecting nests with the children

496.  bluebird house my father gave us, and the one my husband then built (modeled after the first one), the birds that will someday use them

497.  roses galore in bloom in our back yard

498.  the former owners of our house who left these rose bushes for us

499.  somehow these two rose bushes have survived despite my inept attempts at pruning and transplanting them

500.  the sweet scent of this pink variety, it fills the air

501.  sunshine on flowers during a break in the rain

502.  a fellow homeschooler sharing her resources

503.  attending a homeschool conference with a friend

504.  family from far away visiting for the weekend

505.  an evening of science presentations and fair for our science co-op

506.  wrapping up the school year, and looking ahead to the next

507.  a soccer season ending, the joy the children had, the skills they learned

...and so it continues...


  1. Good morning friend! What a wonderful list of blessings :) Those pink roses are breathtaking!

  2. Beautiful flowers and thoughts. Was that even an iris?? hehe

  3. AnonymousMay 23, 2011

    Could there ever be too many flowers? I don't think so! Love your photos!

  4. It is very nice to meet you. I'm stopping by from A Holy Experience! Your photos are gorgeous! I envy your rose bushes - we have a single bush that seems to be excelling beyond our initial expectations. I've only begun my journey of Multitudes On Mondays and I'm thrilled to meet another homeschooling mother. I too live far away from family and we also finished a soccer season on Sat. I look forward to returning to your site!


Thank you for sharing your thoughts.