May 20, 2011

A Bee Photograph

You may have already figured out that I like love to take photographs.
Not only do I like to take them, but I enjoy seeing other people's photographs. 

While perusing the web, I have seen the neatest photographs of bees at places
Having been inspired by the awesome shots these ladies have captured,
I hoped to have an opportunity to photograph a few bees.

This opportunity came more quickly than I hoped, when I recently visited my parents' house. 
I headed out to their back yard hoping for some lovely flowers to photograph.

To my surprise not only was there a plethora of flowers, including this magnolia blossom,
but there were numerous bees! 
Many bees swarming about a particular pink bush. 

The bush has quite long branches,
and I was able to stand amongst them to photograph the bees as closely as I dare.
I was stung once or twice as a child, and that is not a feeling I have easily forgotten.
So, I didn't get as close as I could have, but close enough.

Today, I am excited to show you these two photographs of bees I took.
And, to all the excellent photographers (too many to mention them all) that inspire me, thank you!

Isn't it wonderful how another can encourage you to try something new
or improve a skill just by sharing something from their own life?


  1. They are both wonderful photos! I, too, am inspired by others photos and love to practice what I see others accomplishing with photography. Your photos are inspiring others, too!

  2. Your photos are BEE-utiful! (Sorry, I couldn't resist :)
    Photos like yours make me want to get better behind the lens.

  3. AnonymousMay 20, 2011


    No, I would have never guessed that you like photography (grins).

    At any rate, these are some beautiful photos, Dorie. I always love your photography. I only wish that I could take such good pictures.

    Oh, and I think that you are a brave woman to take pictures of bees. I don't think that I could do that. :)

    -L. Rose

  4. Wonderful photos! Last summer we had a swarm of bees light on the tree outside our kitchen for about 45 minutes. It was one of the coolest and scariest things I've seen!


Thank you for sharing your thoughts.