May 31, 2011


During a trip to the local garden with a conservatory,
I wanted to take a photograph of this water feature.
This is my favorite of the four I took.
This past weekend we returned for another visit.
Lilies bloomed in radiant hues, and outdoor water falls captivated us.
However, this indoor water fountain was not running,
and now, I am even more grateful to have had the time
to photograph it earlier.

Every time I look at this photo I think,
"My cup runneth over..." Psalm 23
and indeed it does.

As we continue to read through the Bible as a family in one year,
we will spend the month of June in the Psalms.
What a wonderful time of the year,
and in our lives,
to read this book of praise.

May your day overflow with blessings!



  1. Dorie - everytime I see your header I think of that phrase :) So glad that you are so blessed!

  2. Wow you have capture beauty in this picture! LOVE it!

  3. AnonymousMay 31, 2011


    You did an excellent job of capturing the water dripping from this fountain!

    It's also true that our blessings, from our Heavenly Father, do overflow abundantly. It's just that sometimes, unfortunately, we don't often notice all the blessings that surround us.

    -L. Rose


Thank you for sharing your thoughts.