June 1, 2011

Cut and Paste Projects

Our children have always liked I Can Cut and Stick (Usborne Playtime), by Ray Gibson.
Recently, my oldest daughter introduced our youngest to the joys of cut and paste projects.
After he picked out a few projects from the book, she helped him make
this octopus...

Later, they made and gave my husband and I this fish...

Then, the following day, my youngest son brought the book to me,
and asked to make the snake and truck.
How could I refuse?
His truck, with my help...

Later, when the glue dried, he added sticker letters
to spell out his name on the dark blue rectangles.

This summer, if you are looking for craft ideas for children to do on their own, or with a little help,
then might I suggest looking into some of the Usborne craft books 
or for older children the Klutz books.
Both have fun, creative ideas with easy to follow directions
on projects of all different kinds beyond cut and  paste.

To see more fun ideas for children during the summertime,
visit this week's Works For Me Wednesday link-up


  1. I love the octopus! How adorable :) We are huge Usborne fns, but I haven't seen this book. Going to look for it the next time we are in the bookstore!

  2. WOW! They DO look like fun! Thanks for some great inspiration and the book recommendation (again).

  3. The truck turned out great!!

    Love the Usborne Books too!!



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