November 2, 2010

Mind Benders

Mind Benders A2Whether you homeschool or not, most parents want their children to learn to think critically.  One fun way to stretch elementary and middle school students' thinking is with Mind Benders, a series of workbooks published by  the Critical Thinking Co.  Each book in the series develops deductive thinking skills. 

We have used this series for several years now and could not be more pleased with the results.  Each week, my two oldest children work through one puzzle in their current level.  Our oldest son is using B-1 and our oldest daughter is using A-2.  Both workbooks are filled with 15 puzzles.  Each puzzle has a grid and clues.  The child must read all the clues and fill in the grid to discover the solution.  For my family these workbooks are a hit.  Typically, when the children complete one puzzle, they ask to do another.  I'd say that means they are enjoying this 'mind bending' activity!

This post has been linked to Helpful Homeschool Hints at Many Little Blessings
Visit this link-up for more helpful homeschool ideas. 

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