November 2, 2010

Autumn Trees

This weekend, the children and I completed a fun and easy autumn tree craft.

We read several poems about trees including:

"Trees" by Joyce Kilmer
"Trees" by Sara Coleridge
"The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost
"Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening" by Robert Frost

Together, we discussed each poem, trees in general, specific kinds of trees, seasons, and forests.
We also compared and contrasted the last two poems.

Afterwards, we started a craft.
It took several days to complete our autumn trees as we had to wait
for the paint to dry after the first step.

The trees turned out lovely,
and will hang in our hallway for the rest of November as...

...our own beautiful autumn woods.

{Later this week I will share how the trees were made.}

Today, I am linking this post to the Hip Homeschool Hop.
To read what other homeschoolers are posting visit the hop.



  1. Hopping over from the Homeschool Hop! Love the tree crafts! They turned out great!

  2. Looking forward to see how you made these! They look nice!

  3. what beautiful trees!!! I love how distinct each of them are...



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