November 3, 2010

The Cycle of Seasons

"As long as the earth endures,
seedtime and harvest,
cold and heat,
summer and winter,
day and night
will never cease"
Genesis 8:22 (NIV)

I find comfort in this verse
knowing there is a God-ordained predictability of the seasons. 
Cold days always give way to hotter days;
summer always gives way to winter. 
In a way, the same is true in our lives. 
Moments of pleasure give way to moments of pain,
and sorrowful days always give way to joyful days.
All are filtered through the loving hands of the Lord.
And, He sustains me through each one.
Thank you, Lord!

Linking up today with iFellowship at Seeds of Faith
and Word Filled Wednesday at Internet Cafe Devotions.


  1. How good He is to give us that knowledge, and how truly it does parallel our lives, doesn't it? So last night, as I "slept" on my toddler's floor because she was scared and wanted me to sleep with her, I should have remembered that it is just a season . . . :)

  2. I also love the seasons and their reminders of God's graciousness.

  3. Life is all about times and seasons! I, too, am thankful He sustains me through each and every one!

    Great WFW, thank you!

    Happy WFW and God bless you...

  4. I find the verse comforting as well especially in a time when it seems like there's so much change, which is often not for the best. Our God remains the same. Blessings to you & yours.

  5. I love this, Dorie. I also posted about seasons today.


  6. Amen! It is such a wonderful verse of hope and promise. Happy WFW!

  7. So glad He sustains you.

  8. Wow.. this is great! Love how you took a photo and scripture that is so relevant to this time of year. Happy WFW!

  9. Beautiful photo and verse!


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