November 3, 2010

2010 Giving Thanks Challenge

It may be three days into November, but I have decided to take up the challenge to give thanks to the Lord daily on my blog.  In the side bar, I am compiling a list of what I thank the Lord for daily.  Each day, you will be able to read my growing list.  This is a challenge hosted by Leah of South Breeze Farm, and I am looking forward to reading the growing lists of everyone participating.   

Since I am two days late, I went ahead and listed three items today.  First and foremost, I am thankful for my Savior, Jesus.  Without Him, I would be lost and in despair.  He has lifted me up and placed my feet on His firm foundation.  I can never say 'Thank You' enough.  The next two were super easy to list, as well.  I am so thankful for my husband.  He is my protector, provider, best friend, and prayer partner, to name a few.  My last entry, bringing my list up to date, is my children.  My husband and I have been blessed with four beautiful children who range from preschool age to 11 years old.  They are wonderful, inquisitive, friendly children who fill our household with laughter and wonderment.

For the remaining days of November, I will be adding to the list on my sidebar thanking the Lord each day and praising Him for his goodness and blessings.  Won't you join me?  If you want to join the challenge, then please click on the Giving Thanks Challenge button in my side bar it will take you to Leah's web site for the details of her challenge.


  1. Those would be my top 3 as well!!!

    Just hopping over from iFellowship! I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!

  2. Sounds like a great challenge. I am thankful for those as well.
    Happy iFellowship Day!

  3. What a great idea! =) I love the look of your blog. and I love the focus on Giving thanks. I am here from ifellowship!

  4. I love this idea,I am doing thi son my blog.I am also going to have our homeschool co-op class that I teach Kindergarten in do the tree activity that you showed.Thanks


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