November 1, 2010

Training Them to Teach

All summer long, my husband and I substitute taught in the 2 and 3 year old Sunday School room.  The regular teachers enjoyed a well deserved time of respite.  It was wonderful sharing God's Word and love with our young students.  Every Sunday, we had a time of singing, praying, learning, and creating.


And, each week, one of our older children rotated as a helper.  The main objective was not an extra set of hands.  Although we welcomed the help.  The real reason they were in the classroom was to observe us as teachers, and to try teaching (under our supervision) a group of younger children.  Our children were given the job of assisting and eventually leading the song time.  As our children are well versed in the songs it was an ideal opportunity.


Like many parents, when we serve in the church, we bring our children along whenever possible.  In these times, they learn from us how to serve.  This past summertime teaching Sunday School was no different, and we are grateful for these opportunities to serve and train our children to do so as well.


This post has been shared with the Homemaking Link-Up at Raising Homemakers.

1 comment:

  1. Such a simple way to show them and yet I'd never thought of it. Great idea.


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