July 30, 2012

Together on Tuesdays - Week 7

Welcome back for another week of Together on Tuesdays! I can't believe it is almost August?! Wow, this summer is flying by...who knew relaxing months could slip away so quickly?  Today, we are sharing about our homes or the area where we live.

{Before you read about my home, I feel compelled to tell the hard, ugly truth first.  Recently, a wonderful friend of mine was blessed with what can only be described as having some of the elements of my husband and I's dream home.  Her home is a beautiful old farm house, reminiscent of the one which I spent many childhood years.  There are trees with swings, barns and out buildings to explore, cool porches to spend the evening hours, and land, plenty of land.  Oh, how I must hang my head low and reveal that yes, while I see that she is ever so grateful and knows how God directed this in her life, I struggled with my own contentment.  Isn't this horrible?  Especially considering how I know the Lord really did move us to our home, and has placed us here in a fine home, for His purposes.  So as you read the following words full of praise and gratitude, please remember that there are times when I don't always remember how blessed I truly am.  I forget.  This frail human flesh I wear does falter.  I just don't always share those moments, because for me I like to need to concentrate on the good.  Otherwise, I find myself in a pit of discontentment and discouragement.}

Our home was a blessing God handed to us on a silver platter.  OK, maybe not a silver platter, but it sure felt that way at the time. 

Over seven years ago, we were remodeling a less than 1,000 square foot Cape Cod style house, almost all entirely on our own with lots of free help from family and friends.  When seemingly out of no where, the Lord orchestrated a move.  Our intention was to finish the remodel and live there for five years.  However, the Lord had other plans.  He directed our steps to purchase another home, which was owned by an older couple we knew.  We literally finished the renovations on our small home one week, and put it up for sale the next.  It sold in two days.  We proceeded with the purchase of this home and have enjoyed its blessing for many years now.

One of my favorite rooms here is the dining room.  We love to invite people {family members, friends, or acquaintances} over for a meal.  Our dining room has served well for hosting.  While this in itself is a great attribute, what makes it a favorite room for me is the sunlight which pours through the windows and the cool spring/autumn breezes which billow through the white sheers.

Another favorite spot in my home, for me, is the kitchen sink.  It overlooks our backyard which has lovely perennial flowers. 

Now that we moved our vegetable garden I can view it from this window, too.  This is the inside view while doing dishes...

Our home is close to scenic parks where we hike, fish, and play.

It was a beautiful, sunny day at the park on our Father's Day fishing trip.
~ Dorie

Next Week: Tell about your summertime backyard or neighborhood fun

Today, if you would like to share about your home, just write a post, or link to a past one. Please add a text link to either This Simple Home or These Grace Filled Days, and then add your post to the link-up below. Be sure to link your post and not your home page.

Ready to link up? We'd love to get to get to know you better during these relaxing summer months.


  1. A beautiful view (inside and out)and ample room around your dining table does make a house feel like home. We don't explore close by parks the way we should. Recently, a new one was created with a walking trail...must explore soon!

    1. A walking trail is definitely something to check out. It makes it so easy to bring the stroller for your babe :-)

  2. It's so easy to covet what we don't have, but it is beautiful that you are grateful for the amazing gift He has given you! Since we have always lived in a manse I dream of the day that we will own our home, but for now am content with my dreams and the house that has slowly become our home.

    1. Some of our favorite home memories happened in a four room apartment on the top floors of an old farm house which we rented :-) I love how a family can create or have that home feeling almost anywhere. Someday, I hope the Lord blesses you with your dreams, but until then, it is wonderful the attitude and contentment you have.

  3. AnonymousJuly 31, 2012

    I struggled with contentment with our last house. The first week we moved in, I closed myself in the bathroom a time or two and just cried. We bought it because it had the most space for the money, and we had three boys just into or coming up to their teen years, so we needed the space. The problems with it didn't seem to bother anyone but me. :-/ But one thing that helped my perspective a lot was that that house was the one where most of my kids' growing-up memories happened, and that's what they'd remember. I wrote a post about it here if you're interested: http://barbarah.wordpress.com/2011/06/07/the-ideal-house/

    I love rooms where the sunlight streams in the windows.

    It's nice to be close to parks.

    1. I understand the need for space, especially with boys. It is wonderful how that home, even though it wasn't your dream home, became a place which was used to create special family memories and grow the dreams of your maturing boys. I'm looking forward to reading your post, Barbara.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts.