May 1, 2012

Why I Read Blogs

Yesterday, I shared why I write a blog.  Today, I wanted to share why I read blogs.

There was a time when I didn't even know what a blog was.  {Shocking, I know :-)}  Once I learned what a blog was, I thought why, oh why, would anyone want to write one, and why would anyone want to read one.  I'll never do that! or, so I thought. 

That was years ago.  Now, I see the benefits of both writing to share with others, as well as reading what others share.  In this technologically infused world, the internet offers numerous ways to connect with others.  Blogs are one of these fabulous tool that can help foster friendships, strengthen and encourage others, and create community. 

There are so many wonderful women I have met through blogging.  Their stories are shared with humble hearts of gratitude and love.  I cannot possibly list them all here today, but a few places (in alphabetical order) that bless me each time I visit are...

Blakpurl's expat journal
Freedom at Home and School
Janet Rose
Life as Pam
Marla's Motherhood Musings
Mountain Mama
Simply Life Photographs
The View from Hidden Valley
This Simple Home
Welcome to Our Good Life!

OK, more than a few, but I definitely could have named more. 
However, I decided to stop at ten today.
~ Dorie


  1. Dorie, I love your post...and remember when I had no idea what a blog was, either. You have a few of my faves listed...and a few new ones. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Dorie, I feel the same way about blogging. I also used to think that bloggers were crazy and that I would never blog. Now, I have two public blogs, blog with others on a homeschooling blog, and spend hours reading the blogs of other bloggers. I have met so many amazing women through blogging (you included!) and get wonderful ideas for my home and family. Thanks for listing my blog! Have a fabulous Tuesday!

  3. It is amazing the connections that are made through blogging. And it's sweet to even have the gift of meeting some of these sisters in the LORD in person. God bless you, Dorie!

  4. I'm with you - a few years ago I had not idea what blogging was, or why you would want to blog! Now I am so blessed to be surrounded by amazing mommas who encourage me every day :)

    Thanks so much for including my humble blog!

  5. You would definitely be on my list of places and people who bless me with every visit. I like this little series, and think I may copy it someday if that's okay.


    And thank you for including my little blog...I think I need to go and explore some of the others you listed. :)

  6. WOW! I am humbled... You writ the most wonderful posts.. that is why I read THIS blog. I learn so much here.

  7. awe...that's very kind of you, thank you! i'm inspired by your blog, glad you take the time to write your thoughts :)

  8. AnonymousMay 03, 2012

    I remember thinking how crazy it was for anyone to put their thoughts on the internet. A few year later I am amazed at the number of genuine friendships I have made with other bloggers.

  9. I also thought Blogs were strange until I was sucked into reading them and then started one of my own! ;) I read Amy's blog, The View From Hidden Valley. Love her pictures! Your pictures are beautiful as well. I just got a Canon Rebel T3i for Mother's Day (a big shockeroo!). I'm so excited to learn how to use it! :)


Thank you for sharing your thoughts.