April 18, 2012

Trying Again

Ever want to do something over again?  Say that sentence in a different way?  React better to a friend's comment?  Rewind a particular scene from your life, and play it again? 

For months, I have been waiting to try something again. 

Last Easter, we went to my parents' house.  It was a great day with fun and family.  At one point, I took my camera to explore their yard.  I found this magnolia blossom and this bee in a red bud tree

Ever since I started using my new camera, I have been wanting to go back and photograph the magnolia and the bee in the red bud tree.  Though I am quite certain it is not the same flower or bee, I did get the chance this Easter when we went to my parents' home again. 

Without further delay, my first attempt to capture a magnolia blossom in 2011.

magnolia - 2011

My second attempt to capture a magnolia blossom in 2012.

magnolia - 2012

A first attempt at a bee picture in 2011.

bee in the red bud - 2011

My most recent attempt at a bee picture in 2012.

bee in the red bud - 2012

I am grateful for the chance to try again.
~ Dorie



  2. Dorie, your pictures are amazing. I keep hoping I will inherit photographic talent--I have a nice camera--but it doesn't appear to be my gift. sigh. I just have to enjoy yours and others instead, I guess. Thanks for sharing with us.

  3. Lovely shots Dorie - the colors are amazing! What setting did you use?

    1. Oh how I wish I could answer this question! I have been slowly learning what all those camera/photography words mean, but I haven't been spending as much time learning this as I have been just out trying new stuff. Right now, I just mess with the settings taking a TON of photographs and seeing what I like the best. Probably should be taking notes or something because some photos definitely did not work out well, lol.

  4. Thank you Ladies! Your kind words are an encouragement to this hobby photographer. Now, I'm off to photograph our lilies with rain drops on them...hoping the photographs turn out as lovely as I think they look in person.


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