March 15, 2012

When I Should Have Known Better

I was all set.  My plan and recipe were in place for this month's cookie.  A basic butter cookie with the addition of gummy candies and pecans seemed ideal for my little ones. 

I should have known better. 

I should have quit when we could not find the green gummy candy.  I wanted to add them into the mix with orange slice candies giving the cookies a festive green and orange appearance for March.  Not one bag of green gummy candies was to be found in a store located five miles from our home.  The orange slices had to suffice. 

Pecans were easy to find and since I didn't measure, despite the recipe, pecans were very prevalent in our cookies.  In fact, the pecans were so abundant there was a nice pile of them left over in the mixing bowl once all the cookies were baked. 

However, these minor issues are not the reason I should have known better. 

No, the reason I should have known better was written on a handy dandy magnet provided by our family's orthodontist.  A list of foods to avoid for children in orthodontic care hangs, ready to read, on the side of our refrigerator.  It tells me that...
kids with braces should NOT eat gummy candy or nuts. 

This, of course, trumps my previous cookie mishap.  Having made a treat and not being able to give it to one of our children...ugh!  Thankfully, we had some chocolate on hand, and our son graciously accepted a substitution.

Now, we are all looking forward to some brace friendly cookies come April.
~ Dorie


  1. LOL!! Oh no! So glad that chocolate made it better :)

  2. Oh no! Will he get to choose the recipe? :)


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