December 8, 2011

Praying Proverbs 31 {a review and giveaway}

Some days, I am at a loss for words.  Parenting, though a joy, is, at times, hard work.  Vital to my journey of motherhood is time spent in prayer.  Prayer for myself, my husband, and our children. 

Trying to pray effectively for my daughters, I pray for their hearts, their current situations, and future.  This is a lot of ground to cover!  Sometimes feel like I miss an important virtue or aspect of life.  It is during these times, when a book like Praying Proverbs 31, written by Tracy Glockle, is essential. 

Product DetailsTracy is one of the wonderful women I am blessed to work with at Growing Your Homeschool, and she has recently written a book available in e-book form.  Based on Proverbs 31, the book guides readers through ten weeks of daily prayer for moms and daughters.  Filled with sound advice, personal insights, and prayer suggestions, Praying Proverbs 31 is a Biblical based book that all mothers of daughters would benefit from reading.  The topics and prayers are applicable to girls of all ages.  Also, Tracy has created space for readers to add personal thoughts and experiences in a prayer journal fashion.

Overall, I would highly recommend this ebook to all moms of daughters.  It is a book I am using now and will return to again in the years to come.    

A Giveaway ~
Tracy has graciously offered to give one of you a free ebook.  To enter, simply leave a comment.  Winner will be contacted via email so be sure to include a way to contact you.  This giveaway ends Saturday, December 10 at 11:59 PM (EST)

* I received a free copy of Praying Proverbs 31 for review purposes.  All opinions expressed are my own.


  1. That looks like a very interesting book that I could read and share with my daughter and granddaughter.

  2. Thanks Tracy and Dorie!

    derekannette at gmail dot com

  3. Sounds like an interesting book.

    Flyin Peru at yahoo dot com

  4. Thank you to all who entered this giveaway. The winner is comment number 2 - congrats to Annette W. - you won!


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