December 7, 2011

On the Mend

Moe, our dog on the mend (bandage on left foreleg)
...after crashing into an upside down, ready to be cleaned tomato cage
while running full speed about the yard...

{day 7; many wonderful photos at DPP}


  1. Oh poor poppy!!!! Hoping that his leg heals soon!

  2. Poor little dog!! They get into everything, don't they?!

  3. oh, no! is here wearing a shirt? how cute is that?! :)
    mountain mama

  4. Poor doggy...hope the leg heals quickly!

  5. Thanks, Ladies! We did have to resort to the cone to keep him from bothering his leg, poor little guy. He's wearing a fleece like sweater to keep him warm - he's a whippet and gets cold in the winter in the house even with the heat on - with not much body fat the fleece offers him that extra layer of warmth - though he looks adorable in it, he hates it almost as much as the cone...


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