December 5, 2011

The Grace of Others

We were leaving their house.  A trip to see around a hundred decorated trees and meet Wally, the Red Sox mascot was planned.  My children and mother-in-law, buckled in the car, waited.  I walked out and immediately opened my camera bag.  The light was just lovely, and I needed to capture it.

Thankfully, I did not delay our departure that time as we were waiting for others to emerge from the house.  If only this were always the case.  Unfortunately, I, at times, have become the obnoxious photographer...delaying others, making people I try to capture a moment or two in photographs...

And, today, I am grateful for the grace of others that offers me kindness, patience, and encouragement as I take a few moments to do something I enjoy.
~ Dorie

819.  the grace of others

820.  time to do something I enjoy

821.  capturing light in photographs {trying to}

822.  walking through 100 or so decorated Christmas trees of all themes

823.  creativity of others

824.  children meeting Wally {Red Sox mascot}

825.  teaching the preschoolers in Sunday school with my husband for the next three months

826.  finishing some yard work in preparation for winter

827.  getting my daughter's hair ready for tonight's choir concert

photo for today...December Photo Project

828.  Sunday afternoon spent watching football with my family {go Green Bay!!!}

829.  cleaning out a portion of our paper mess

830.  sweet friends who send Christmas cards

...and so it continues...


  1. Thank you for reminding me to be thankful to those that have to deal with me and my camera...

  2. That light was worth capturing! As to #828, sigh, Green Bay did what Dallas (my home team) did not. Congratulations to the Pack on remaining unbeaten. You linked up just ahead of me at Holy Experience; I'm glad I stopped by. It's lovely to meet you. Grace and peace to you in Jesus.

  3. That is a lovely photograph - so glad that you were able to capture it!!

  4. nice post! thank you so much for sharing...God bless you...loves soraya


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