November 17, 2011

Interviewing a Girl Growing into a Proverbs 31 Woman

Poised and waiting patiently, she sits across me for an informal interview.  Her name is Kayla, and she is an eleven year old girl with her own business, KanineKookies

Approximately two years ago, Kayla was looking for a way to pay for her horse riding lessons.  She was baking dog treats for her own dog, Maggie, when her mom suggested that maybe she pursue making and selling dog treats.  Kayla considered, researched, and decided to give it a try.  One of her first sales was for her KanineKookie-of-the-Month Klub, a monthly delivery of two packets of fresh-baked KanineKookies. 

Peanut Butter Twist-and-Shouts
photo by Jordyn, courtesy KanineKookies

Since her first sales, Kayla has increased her business by selling her KanineKookies at various retail locations and shipping them across the United States.  Each of her eight gourmet variety dog treats are nutritious and dog tested.  Kayla devises her own recipes, combining flavorful and nutritious ingredients.  Her primary dog taste tester is her own dog, Maggie.

Within the last few months, Kayla has added a new line of treats.  These are for horses and are called HorseMorsels.  Currently, she sells three varieties of nutritious horse treats.

HorseMorsels ~ Carrot Rolls
photo by Jordyn, courtesy KanineKookies

This past Friday, Kayla kindly sat down with me and discussed in detail her entrepreneur experience.  We talked about her favorite and least favorite parts of the business, struggles and successes, and past experiences and future dreams.  

How do you find balance with school, life activities, and running a business?
"I don't think I could do this if I didn't homeschool," Kayla explained to me.  Starting a business, developing products, advertising, analyzing costs, and maintaining inventory are all time consuming.  However, Kayla uses her time well.  She pursues her passions, completes her school assignments, and still has time for family and friends.

~ She perceives that her merchandise is profitable.  Her lamp does not go out at night.  Proverbs 31:18 ~

How do your parents and siblings help or encourage you with your business?
Kayla's family is very supportive of her entrepreneur efforts.  Her parents and siblings encourage her with Bible verses, prayer, and loving support.  From time to time, her mom and sisters help with baking.  Also, her mom helps with deliveries.

How do you define success?
When I asked Kayla to give me her definition of success, she replied with a quote.  "Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor."  She also mentioned that success has gradual growth.  Words of wisdom we all can apply no matter what our age or situation.

~ She considers a field and buys it; with the fruit of her hands she plants a vineyard. Proverbs 31:16 ~

What do you foresee for the future of KanineKookies?  Would you like to continue on a long term basis, or will you stop once your goals have been met?
Kayla's original goal of paying for horse riding lessons have been met, but she wants to continue running and growing her business.  She'd like to use the profits to buy a horse, and has a dream of some day owning her own therapeutic riding stables.

Kayla riding
photo by Jordyn, courtesy KanineKookies

What has been the greatest lesson you have learned starting and running a business?
"I can't do it on my own," Kayla quickly answered.  I have known Kayla for about five years now. She is an incredible person. Her family lovingly supports one another, cheering each other onto great works, but always giving glory to the Lord.  Kayla readily shared numerous experiences of the Lord's guidance, protection, and blessing in her life and business endeavors.

~ Give her the fruit of her hands, and let her works praise her in the gates.  Proverbs 31:31 ~

Kayla also writes a blog in which she shares about inspiration, entrepreneurship, therapeutic riding, dog nutrition, horse riding, and homeschooling. Currently, she is sharing a series of tips on starting your own business.  Visit her website or blog to meet Kayla, a remarkable girl growing into a Proverbs 31 woman.

~ Dorie


  1. Wow! Impressive young lady!

  2. Go Kayla! What a wonderful thing you are doing, I'm inspired!!


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