November 16, 2011

How to Love a Ten Year Old Girl

"When can I get my ears pierced?" my ten, soon to be eleven year old, daughter asks.

I sigh.  Over the past year, I have been witness to vast changes in her.  No longer a little girl with mommy fashioned pig tails, she styles her own tresses. 

We are entering a new territory...and I ask...

How do I love my ten year old girl?

Let go of the little girl image.  I may still see her as my little girl, and she has moments when she acts like a little girl, but I can no longer expect her to be a little girl.  She is growing and maturing before my very eyes.

Optimize her experiences now.  There is a lot for her to learn and each day presents new opportunities.

Value who she is right now in this awkward stage between little girl and womanhood.

Embrace the possibilities not with dread, but pleasure.  She is a gift and should be treasured as such.

~ Dorie

Possible Resources for the Journey

for parents ~
Your Girl, by Vicki Courtney
Raising Maidens fo Virtue, by Stacy McDonald

for girls and their parents ~
A Virtuous Girl, by Michelle Zoppa
Beautiful Girlhood, revised by Karen Andreola
A Young Woman After God's Own Heart, by Elizabeth George
The Three Weavers: A Tale for Fathers and Daughters, rewritten by Mark Hamby

for further along the journey to womanhood ~
Uncompromising, by Hannah Farver
What He Must Be, by Voddie Bauchman Jr.


  1. Oh, my heart. I can't imagine the day when my little ones are all grown up -and yet by looking through photos they change so quickly!

    Did you let her pierce her ears?

  2. Such wise is so important to value our children for where they are right now. Blessings to you and your family!


Thank you for sharing your thoughts.