September 12, 2011

Birthdays, BBQs, Football, and Gratitude

September ushered in with wild, wet weather,
but the sun broke through enough for some outdoor cookouts
and family fun as we celebrated another birthday.

continuing my gratitude listing...

651.  celebrating birthdays

652.  chocolate cakes and mini canolis

653.  my husband, chef for the weekend...grilling meatloaf, pork, and chicken

654.  football themed parties

655.  football season beginning (pro and Upward flag)

656.  youngest's first season of football and his Daddy, his coach

657.  extended family visiting

658.  riverside park visit, watching tug boats work

659.  seeing these flags

660.  children's growth spurts, physically and mentally

661.  gymnastics classes at discounted prices

662.  purple petals to photograph and enjoy; a son's tender heart

663.  just for fun fantasy football teams and leagues for my husband and oldest

664.  not knowing everything and sweet surprises

665.  endearing encouragement at just the right time

666.  knowing all things have been filtered through His hands

667.  singing praises on Sunday mornings with our local church

668.  sun shining despite the forecast calling for rain

669.  children playing outside again after days of rain

670.  sale prices on replacement glasses for a child's broken pair

...and so it continues...

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