June 6, 2011

A Time to Hike

It was hot.  Sweltering, steamy hot.
The shade helped,
and the breeze a precious gift.

Day and time picked out weeks ago,
and rescheduling, though an option, wasn't considered.
The children were anxious to picnic and hike together.

Walking sunny fields, occasionally resting in maple tree shade,
we made our way to their favorite spot,
a wooded hill, littered with boulders,
and ending with a pond.

They climbed, shuffled, skimmed over and under rocks,
examined critters, leaves, and moss,
and laughed while exploring.

Though the heat was oppressive,
the time spent with friends and the adventure of the day
was a blessing! 

521.  meeting friends at a park for lunch and a hike

522.  laughter and enjoyment of exploring and examining creation

523.  cool water, quenched thirsts

524.  air conditioned cars

525.  lovely iris flowers from a friend

526.  a break in the heat

527.  fun times at the annual year end co-op picnic

528.  year end paper work and meetings drawing to a close

529.  afternoon shopping trip, just my oldest daughter and I

530.  bicycling at a park with my three oldest children 

...and so it continues...

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